The Strength of Relationships February 28, 2025Constance Wake What happens when we pursuit strong relationships of mind, body, and spirit? Great things!
Thoughts...for the New Year December 28, 2024Constance Wake “A Useful Thought…a Joyous Thought” –Mo Gawdat By Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake In a recent Facebook Reels video, Mo Gawdat talked about handling the voices in his head. He...
A Happy New Year Message December 27, 2024Constance Wake By Susan Fiandach and Connie WakeHappy New Year, Psychic-Mediums! That’s everybody, you know, as we feel that the psychic-medium ability is natural and in all of us. Think of what...
Where is God in Psychic-Medium Readings? December 11, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake There is a belief that God and psychics do not mix…that the psychic-medium deals in the realm of the devil himself, and the...
'Tis the Season...'Tis the Spirit December 04, 2024Constance Wake ‘Tis the Season to be merry and celebrate our joys, blessings, peace, the love of our neighbor, and the magic of Christmas, Hanukkah, and faiths around the world. The...
Is a Veil Thinning? October 31, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake For centuries, many cultures have celebrated a “day of the dead” where the souls of the departed have been honored and celebrated. This is...
Consciousness and the Medium October 08, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake Wikipedia: Consciousness, at its simplest, is awareness of internal and external existence. Our experiences in psychic-medium work have shown us that consciousness provides a...
“I’ll be there in spirit…” by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake September 09, 2024Constance Wake You’ve probably heard that phrase, or something similar, when someone can’t be with you physically, but they are thinking of you during a situation or event. This is from the...
Depth, PSYCHronity, and the Daily Medium August 26, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake In her recent workshop of “Introduction to Psychic Mediumship,” Susan Fiandach had the students walk around the classroom and spontaneously call out any psychic/medium...
The Power of Good Will August 16, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie WakeGood will is defined as a “favorable disposition or manner toward a person or situation.” As an expression of a person, this would be expressed...
Grief and the World of the Medium August 06, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake Have you seen the 2010 movie “Hereafter” starring Matt Damon? Director, Clint Eastwood, weaves stories of three people who have experienced death. This deep,...
Presence July 09, 2024Constance Wake by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake We are on a life-long journey as professional psychic-mediums to offer excellence through evidence-based readings in a clear and authentic conversation. Evidence offers a...