Psychic-Mediumship on a Foundation of Trust June 12, 2023Susan Fiandach Psychic-Mediumship deals with all forms of our intrinsic connection to the seen and unseen worlds around us. From our natural intuition to sensitive, empathic responses to deep trance states,...
The Health Intuitive Reading April 27, 2023Susan Fiandach The Health Intuitive Susan Fiandach, Psychic-Medium, Teacher, Author As a Health Intuitive, I am asked a variety of questions on the source and value of the information that can be...
Soul Sense April 26, 2023Constance Wake Soul Sense Susan Fiandach & Connie Wake We have soul sense. We have the ability and awareness to view our world at the soul level…beyond the physical material environment around...
The NFL and the Psychic…again! January 30, 2023Constance Wake The NFL and the Psychic…again! By Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake Another post about the football and psychic-mediumship? YES! This time, it’s the Eagles…not about their win yesterday, but the...
A Psychic’s Perspective on the Buffalo Bills January 28, 2023Constance Wake In 2019, there was a clearing ritual performed to remove a 50-year old curse at what is now Highmark Stadium, home of the Buffalo Bills football team. The intention was...
Today’s Psychic-Medium: “In the flow…” January 01, 2023Constance Wake Happy New Year 2023! It’s been a while since our last blog, as we were very busy moving our business to a wonderful new location. All that chaos and new...
Empathy – The Information of Connection August 03, 2022Constance Wake If you Google “being an empath” you’ll see a never-ending listing of “you’re an empath if…” Many lists contain personality traits such as too sensitive, cannot deal with crowds, being...
Beliefs, Baggage...or Beautifully Beyond July 27, 2022Constance Wake Our understanding of our 6th sensory connection is to incorporate the basic tenant in psychic-mediumship to be authentic in interpretation, and to not bring your beliefs and baggage into...
Field of (Medium) Dreams July 13, 2022Constance Wake I was watching the movie, Field of Dreams and re-enjoyed the entire storyline. If you haven’t seen it, spoiler alert! The movie is about an Iowa farmer named Ray who...
Are Dead People Really There? June 29, 2022Constance Wake “Oh no, what are they going to say?” Is this about God, heaven, ghosts, hauntings, satanic cults?
Psychic-Medium Readings FAQ's June 27, 2022Constance Wake What is a psychic, medium, or psychic-medium reading? The connection to information "from the unseen world" can be described as information of the living (psychic), information from those who have...