The Strength of Relationships

The Strength of Relationships

by Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake

Relationships are important. In any and all aspects…mind, body, spirit…the health and strength of our relationships create and impact our reality.  It’s not just in the case of a bad relationship or failed marriage…

Let’s explore…

Relationship of Mind – This can be described as how we think of who we are. This is covered in phrases such as “love yourself” for example. There are thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that can foster a flourishing relationship to self and others. Relationships must be defined and accepted in the mind, the will, the motivation, and the means to the destination of fulfillment.  Think of: Positive self-talk; thoughts of criticism vs. acceptance.

Relationship of Body – Here is where we put into action the relationship of our mind to ourselves and those around us. Engaging in taking care of the self…because we want to and think it pertinent and necessary. Engaging in taking care of others, in actions of kindness, compassion, acceptance. Think of:  The relationship of the body can be summarized by, “Do unto others and you would have them do unto you.”

Relationship of Spirit – This is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak. The exponential effect of an all-encompassing of a relationship to Spirit is felt by the heart and experienced by reality. It grows and flourishes the more energy we put in it. We engage the “mind and matter” of Spirit…the intention to believe in a higher power and the ability to live with it.  Think of: The Divinity of You and the Greater You

When we become aware of a gap in our lives, the pursuit of relationships in mind, body and spirit come into play. We have the means to do it…education, social networks, pursuit of “the best version of our grandest vision” (Neale Donald Walsch)…to journey to that highest expression and realize a-ha moments of our lives that make us and it better. We can assess ways to nurture and mature the consciousness of self and involve that interaction to ourselves, our communities, our society. A strong civilization is based on the strengths of the relationships of the people in it.

We thrive on great relationships…make them meaningful, powerful, and true.


Professional Psychic-Medium, Susan Fiandach, has been an instructor of Psychic-Medium studies for nearly 20 years. “Everyday Conversations” is the methodology of receiving, interpreting, and delivering inner wisdom and connection to others and those who have passed.  It’s not mystic, mythical, dark arts, or cult. Through a strong framework of understanding the realm of consciousness and energy of information, we can trust the vibes for our own well-being, as well as a service to others, without religious or new age myth or dogma. The next offering of the Introduction to Psychic-Mediumship is January 2025. Go to our website ( or call 585-427-8110 for more information and registration.