Connie Wake


Connie is an EC Certified* psychic-medium offering reading services, tarot readings in person, telephone, or Zoom.   $50 to $125. Available on Wed, Thurs and selected Mondays

She is also a co-author and instructor of "Everyday Conversations" psychic-medium books and methodology with Susan Fiandach, and offers lectures on "Your 6th Sense Today" to clubs, groups and organizations.

Connie started this adventure looking for a holistic health solutions back in the 90's, but ended up exploring psychic-mediumship, meditation and a greater understanding of the Universe at large. She opened The Purple Door in 2007 to provide a place for folks to do what Oprah refers to as "the highest fullest expression of your Self!"

*Originator and EC Certified of the " Everyday Conversations" methodology of evidential psychic-medium studies

Rev. Sue Fiandach


Susan is an EC Certified* professional psychic-medium and Director of Psychic-Medium Studies at The Purple Door.  Her services include psychic-medium readings, past lives readings, Health Intuitive readings, and Reverend services. In-Person, Phone, Zoom, Lectures, Parties  Reading Services range from $55 to $125 individual; 2-person shared $145. Available Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri.

Sue is co-owner of The Purple Door and co-author of "Everyday Conversations" classes, lectures and book series.

Susan has been experiencing spirits since she was a young child, and feeling fearful she blocked out this information being received. It wasn't until her early 40’s after she became gravely ill and had a near death encounter that she allowed those experiences again. What happened wasn't an opening of a special gift or ability but the ending of fear, the very fear that had stopped all the communication she knew as a child. This experience, diligent work and easy communication style allows her readings to be a powerful healing and comforting experience.

*Originator and EC Certified in the " Everyday Conversations" methodology of evidential psychic-medium studies

Karen Kurchyne

Karen is a psychic medium, life coach and energy healer. She has extensive experience in mediumship, card readings, dream interpretations, past life readings, psychic messages, life coaching and healing.

She is available for face to face, phone or email readings as well as to schedule home parties and home clearings & blessings. Karen teaches a variety of classes on topics to help you embrace your personal power and Spirit. Karen is a non-denominational minister and is available for sacred life events such as weddings and baptisms.

Contact Karen directly at 585-313-2839 or her website:

Kathy Manikowki

Kathy offers energy healing services include Energy Balancing, Chakra Charge sessions, Reiki, Crystal Reiki, Sound Healing. $45-$95

Kathy has been working with healing energy since 1998. She is a Reiki Master Teacher trained in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition. Kathy is an NSAC Certified Spiritual Healer and has pursued extended training in Medical Intuition, Integrated Energy Therapy, Sound Healing, Crystal Therapy, Color Healing, Zero Point Regeneration Healing, Intention Healing, Meditation, Mediumship, Essential Oils, and Herbology. It is with great love and compassion that she intuitively brings these healing tools together to help her clients and students discover their healthiest selves.

Kathy also offers Reiki Certification Classes and Healer Mentoring on topics such as: Tools for the Healer Series, Crystals, Pendulums/Dowsing Rods, Bless & Clear Your Space, Auras, Chakras, Intuitive Journaling, Meditation, Explore Your Life Path, Read Your Rune Stones. 

Cathie Miller

Catherine Miller offers psychic-medium readings, auragraph (personal oracle) readings and is a certified MARI reader/practitioner. In-person or Zoom. Individual $55 - $125; 2-person shared $145. Available Tues, Wed, Fri

Cathie is a graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit School of Healing and Prophecy where she was ordained a minister and received metaphysical certification.  

An Auragraph Reading is (also referred to as personal oracle drawings)  a reading is given using symbols, colors, and numbers representing the pathway of the client from the past, present, and future.

MARI is an assessment tool that goes beneath one’s ego revealing the inner truth of the person, allowing the client to connect with their own intuitive guidance.

Cathie is EC Certified and fellow instructor of the "Everyday Conversations" methodology of evidential psychic-medium studies.

Rev. Richard Flint

Rev. Rich is an EC Certified* Professional Psychic-Medium, Pet Psychic / Communicator and Oracle Reader. He is also Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Usui Reiki Master Teacher, and Instructor. In-person individual or $55-$100; 2-person shared $125. Available Saturdays am only.

Rich is known for his compassionate and caring sessions infused with a bit a humor. Starting his spiritual journey in mid-2010, Rich has been building his “Spiritual Tool Belt” to provide a wide variety of services and classes for his clients. Some of the biggest influences in Rich’s life include authors and personalities such as Abraham Hicks, Doreen Virtue, Wayne Dyer, Anthony Robbins, Dale Carnegie, and John Gordon. Rich has worked in the business world for over 15 years and has spent the last 10 years providing support and analysis for call centers. In his spare time, Rich enjoys watching movies, spending time with animals, playing video games, and being creative.

*EC Certified is the successful completion of the " Everyday Conversations" methodology of evidential psychic-medium studies

Jane Anderson-Ross

Jane offers Palm Readings and Sound Healings at The Purple Door. $50-$100. Available by Appointment.

She began adopting a natural holistic lifestyle in 1980. Soon after, she decided to enter the field of holistic healing arts, and became a Shiatsu and Thai massage therapist, Reiki Master, and Aromatherapist. In 1995, she met Dr. Girish Jagirdar, PHD, of Bombay, India. He was an international yoga teacher and master of the Ancient Science of Palmistry. Jane was one of a select group of students to study with Dr. Girish. She completed her Palmistry training in 2000.

Dawn Daggs

Dawn offers in-person or phone Psychic-Medium, Tarot and Numerology individual readings. $50-$100; or 2-person shared $125. Available Tues, Thurs, and second Saturdays of the month.

Dawn is an EC Certified* psychic medium who specializes in readings that combines Numerology with the Tarot cards while tapping in psychically to her clients to provide insight and direction on life’s journey. In Person, Phone, Parties. Numerology instruction and Reverend services.

As a child Dawn would see spirit but as life’s responsibilities took hold the connection to spirit gradually dissipated. In 2007, after having major back surgery, her life slowed down considerably causing her to pay more attention to her surroundings. During this time all her psychic abilities came flowing back and spirit became a  constant in her daily life. Now it is just a way of life to have grandma stop by when making her lasagna.

*EC Certified in the Everyday Conversations program for psychic-medium studies at The Purple Door.

Lisa Nichols

Lisa offers psychic-medium and pet communication readings. In-person, phone. $50 to $100 individual or 2-person shared $125. Available on 2nd and 5th Saturdays of the month.

Lisa brings with her a compassionate heart forged through years of service in the not-for-profit health and wellness sector. She specializes in delivering healing messages, infused with the sense of your loved one's personality and psychic information, as well as animal readings. Lisa's practice is cultivated through various forms including meditation, immersion in nature, and creative writing.

As an innate empath, Lisa's transition into formal readings was a natural part of a lifelong progression beginning with education and service to her current role as a reader at the Purple Door. She is available for private readings and group events.

Tammy Haynes

Tammy offers in-person, phone, or Zoom psychic-medium, tarot and pet communication readings. $50-$100 individual, $125 2-person shared. Available on Mondays, Fridays, 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month.

Tammy offers a genuine, friendly and compassionate atmosphere to her clients.Tammy believes the psychic faculty is a natural, innate ability or skill we can all develop. Through her training at The Purple Door she has learned how to expand and use her natural abilities to serve others in a professional, evidential and meaningful way.  The Purple Door has trained her in: Psychic-Mediumship, Psychic Investigations, Medical intuition, Pet Communications, Tarot and Numerology. She has been Certified as a New Energy Wellness Practitioner. She is also a Usui Reiki Master and a Certified Tarot Reader.

Tammy is a proud member of HOPE (Healing Others through Psychic Evidence) and works with others to help gather information on missing people, cold cases, etc.  She is a lifetime member of IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association) and has studied controlled remote viewing under Paul H Smith, Ph.D, Major, US Army (ret.) and Lynn Buchanan, Sergeant First Class, US Army (ret.),  both former US Govt military intelligence remote viewers and trainers in the Star Gate program.  She has furthered her psychic detective studies and ways to develop intuition to help others by studying under Pam Coronado, who consults as a psychic detective to large and small police departments, state, federal, international and private agencies.

Tammy uses her broad range of training to customize her services by honoring her client’s unique and individual needs, to provide a fun and enjoyable experience.

Elias Hayes

Elias Hayes offers psychic-medium readings, Tarot, Health Intuitive In-Person, Phone $50 to $125. Available Mondays and selected Saturdays.

From a young age, Elias began experiencing the presence of God, angels and communicating with the spirit realm. Early in life, he possessed premonition dreams, encountered departed loved ones, and offered profound insights to “the adults”. He blocked these gifts because he wanted to be a “regular teenager.” It wasn't until the passing of his mother, God moved him and reignited his strength to deepen and develop his personal understanding and abilities of the spiritual side of life and sought guidance from mentors, spirit and numerous spiritual and religious circles. His readings provide healing, spiritual insight, and the guidance needed to help get beyond where you are at now.

Elias' services include psychic-medium readings, Tarot readings, Healings, Health Intuitive readings. 

Kristin Kendall-Jakus

Kristin Kendall-Jakus offers psychic-medium readings In-Person, Phone or Zoom. $50 to $125 depending on type of service. Available Mondays (phone or Zoom only) 2nd, 4th, 5th Fridays of the month and selected Saturdays.

Kristin has experienced connection with spirit throughout her life. When she was a young child, after going to bed she would see and hear spirits. When Kristin was 8, her family purchased a new home and she assumed that the spirits would not follow her. She was surprised when the experiences continued in the new home.

When Kristin got to middle school, she did readings for classmates. A teacher learned of her abilities and the teacher asked her to do a demonstration of her abilities for other faculty. Kristin did the demonstration but felt uncomfortable. After this she stopped sharing her abilities for many years.Nearly 20 years later, in the early 1990’s, Kristin participated in a women’s meditation group with Reverend Bea Harris, a gifted and highly regarded psychic-medium in Rochester, NY. Bea recognized Kristin’s abilities and encouraged her to pursue them. Kristin began doing individual readings, readings at parties, and psychic fairs.

Kristin is currently participating in the "Everyday Conversations" psychic-mediumship certificate program at The Purple Door.Those who Kristin has read for report that Kristin’s warm personality allows her readings to be a powerful healing and comforting experience.

Nicole Fritz

Nicole Fritz
Nicole offers therapeutic massage and Reiki energy therapy. $45 to $120.

Nicole has been a NYS Licensed Massage Therapist since 2011. With her growing passion for anatomy and patient care, she furthered her education and became a NYS Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant in 2018. She is also a Level 2 certified Reiki practitioner.

Nicole appreciates the mind, body connection and how they work together. She specializes in using light pressure massage therapy to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. This stimulates the release of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. Our bodies' natural pain relievers and "happy" hormones. This technique combined with energy work, will bring natural flow, balance and harmony to the body. Effectively treating ailments such as muscle pain, anxiety, depression, arthritis, fatigue, stress and many more.

She is honored to offer her clients a deep state of relaxation in a safe space, for the mind to let go and the body to follow.

When Nicole is not working with clients, you can find her grounding in the woods or chasing after her fiery 3 year old. 

Carla Charland

Rev. Carla Charland offers psychic-medium and pet communication readings, in-person or phone. Individual $50-100 and In-person shared $125. Available Thursdays, 2nd, 4th and 5th Saturdays

Carla is a certified Psychic Medium at The Purple Door since 2018. A dedicated mother and recent graduate with 2 degrees in criminal justice and human services allow Carla to offer a broad perspective of life and its experiences. Being a spiritual experiencer throughout her life, Carla strives for uplifting and healing information to her clients that allow Carla to offer insights and guidance through her deep connection to spirit. 

Iris Waters

Iris Waters
Iris offers psychic-medium, tarot readings. Individual $50-100, in person, phone; 2-person shared $125. Available 1st and 3rd Fridays and 4th Saturdays of the month.

Iris has had a lifelong interest in psychic development and mediumship. She enjoys using her psychic and intuitive skills to connect with people on a deeper level. Iris is a compassionate listener who is eager to assist others with finding their way through life’s hurdles.  

Ms. Waters is enrolled in the Psychic-Medium Certification program at The Purple Door in Rochester, NY, and has taken many advanced classes in pursuit of her dream of becoming a psychic medium. She is currently a student at Fellowships of the Spirit School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy, located in Cassadaga, New York. 

Gregg Soucie

- In Memoriam

On June 16, 2016, we lost a dear friend and colleague, Gregg Soucie. We called him "Gregg of God" because he first came to The Purple Door after describing to a friend "what do I do with this?" He was referring to his hands of incredible healing energy that "turned on" after his return from an after-death experience. He was ready to work, to provide healing to others. His hugs did it physically, his sense of humor did it emotionally, and his healing and mediumship did it energetically. One way or another, he helped others to understand this world or cross over to the next. He had amazing experiences that he loved to share with us. He was in awe of the universe.

Gregg loved the energy in gemstones and rocks, and had a knack of making them into beautiful pendants or stand up on each other at Corbett's Glen. He loved to show people their energy, showing them with his hands and their hands. He empowered people. He empowered me. He empowered The Purple Door. As a healer, teacher, mentor and jack-of-all-trades when it came to renovating, moving things around, fixing the computer or decorating. He got the job done, helping to work through all of our challenges. He was always there, with a donut, a coffee or a smile! I didn't know all his challenges, however. I knew him as one who helped me through mine. I wish I could have been there for him. So, in his memory and honor, I'll keep a light on at the "spiritual store" I knew he loved. I look forward to “hearing from him” and his continued strength and love.