“A Useful Thought…a Joyous Thought” –Mo Gawdat
By Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake
In a recent Facebook Reels video, Mo Gawdat talked about handling the voices in his head. He refers to the brain’s function of solving a problem and then “voicing” it as a thought to be expressed, acted upon, etc. He also recounted a tragedy in his life where a negative thought was rolling around and bubbling up in his awareness constantly. He then decided to give his brain a job, telling it to only produce a “useful thought” or a “joyous thought.” He noticed his negative self-talk was reduced, and thoughts that aligned with his best self became more numerous.
Can this be applied in psychic-mediumship?
We believe YES…both “yours” and “ours”…let’s see:
Yours…as the everyday person…We can explore and engage the 6th sense as the inner voice that can provide the insights of the soul, thoughts of clarifications, and steps to take, etc. Sometimes the 6th sense voice gets wrapped up in the “other” voices…aka self-talk…as we hear as doubts, fears, negative past judgements, etc. bubbling up from the sub-conscious. Mo Gawdat has purposely directed his brain to only present two types of thoughts…one that can be useful in life or one that can provide a joyous feeling. With intention, our 6th sense can be intended to be of good, positive experiences that help clarify and guide us. The more this is done, the easier it is to hear the good stuff and experience good vibes.
Ours…as in the service of psychic-medium readers…Readers can, and ideally so, intend to voice the information received as thoughts to be useful and/or joyous expressions. Whether the reader receives the information through seeing an image, hearing, feeling, tasting or “just knowing,” the thought of it is interpreted and expressed to the client. This aligns with the reasons for psychic-medium readings to provide insight, validation, and comfort. With this nature of intention in a framework of empowerment and authenticity, readings are then naturally positive, uplifting, and purposeful for the benefit of the client.
The intention of managing our self-talk as positive and good allows opportunity for empowered living. The 6th sense, including empathy, can reap positive benefits when simple but strong purposes are engaged, such as usefulness and joy.
Take your 6th sense to the next level, and have a wonderful new year!