By Susan Fiandach and Connie Wake
By strict definition, a natural resource is something of the Earth that is valued and a benefit to human beings. If we substitute Spirit for Earth, we can delve into the natural resource that is valued and a benefit to human beings…such as the ability of psychic-mediumship.
Psychic-mediumship is under the umbrella term for intuition, along with gut-feeling, “that small voice,” and “I just know” of receiving information from an unseen source that provides a deeper understanding of a person, place, thing, or scenario.
A psychic-medium, and a psychic-medium reading service, deals with information about life as sourced from the client (psychic) and information life lived as sourced from those who have passed. A psychic-medium is someone who can receive, interpret, and deliver that information in a formal setting with another person.
If we delve into the natural resources of the ability to receive, interpret, and deliver, we will see a framework that not only shows how the ability “works” but in the quality of how it works.
The natural resources of a psychic-medium include: Compassion, Intention, Trust
Compassion is understanding and grace in recognizing what the information being received is meant to do. This is the essence of the value of a reading, as insight, validation, and comfort for the client. Compassion is the root of why a psychic-medium offers their service.
Intention is the focus of high-mindedness; that is, setting forth an honest and authentic reason for performing the psychic-medium reading. With high-mindedness comes an ethical responsibility to remain neutral in relaying the information as received from Spirit and from the High Self of the client consciousness so that the delivery to the client is free from personal bias, uncontrolled ego, or pious spirituality.
Trust is the foundation of belief and conviction in the source of the information being received and shared. This is the relationship of the reader to Spirit, to the Cosmic Consciousness, to God that facilitates the service. The stronger the trust, the stronger the depth and breadth of the connection.
These natural resources are intrinsic and their nurturing and blooming in daily life offers the growth of self and in service to others. They offer value and benefit as we mine…excavate…the gold of our best selves, and mind…are aware of…the community in which we are. Hence, we are all psychic-mediums, using our natural resources to better understand the information…to know ourselves and others in a way that brings greater meaning, purpose, and fullness in our lives.
Professional Psychic-Medium, Susan Fiandach, has been an instructor of Psychic-Medium studies for nearly 20 years. “Everyday Conversations” is the methodology of receiving, interpreting, and delivering inner wisdom and connection to others and those who have passed. It’s not mystic, mythical, dark arts, or cult. Through a strong framework of understanding the realm of consciousness and energy of information, we can trust the vibes for our own well-being, as well as a service to others, without religious or new age myth or dogma. The next offering of the Introduction to Psychic-Mediumship is January 2025. Go to our website ( or call 585-427-8110 for more information and registration.