Psychic Investigative and Reverend Services

Psychic Investigative Services

Susan Fiandach, Shawn Curran, and Dave Kramer facilitate the Healing Others through Psychic Evidence (H.O.P.E.) efforts at The Purple Door. This format is used for missing persons, cold cases, and working with law enforcement cases.  Call The Purple Door (Susan Fiandach) at 585-427-8110

Reverend Services

The Order of Melchizedek is a service order under Rev. Dan Chesbro, officiate. The following is a listing of Reverends who provide non-denominational marriage, funeral ceremony and naming services. Please call the individual directly for information.

Rev. Susan Fiandach 585-427-8110
Rev. Richard Flint 585-733-3817
Rev. Karen Kurchyne 585-313-2839